March Guild Meeting
6:30: Demo
7:00 Meeting begins
Program: Kathie K Wylie will speak on the topic of "Beauty is All Around"
6:30: Demo
7:00 Meeting begins
Program: Kathie K Wylie will speak on the topic of "Beauty is All Around"
6:30 Demo
7:00 Meeting begins
Program: Nora Boyd will present a Trunk Show entitled "Guided by Mentors"
6:30: Demo
7:00 Meeting begins
Program: Pamela Eng will speak on the topic of "Kaleidoscope Elements"
Demo: 6:30
Meeting begins 7:00
Program: Julia Graves will speak on the topic of "Colour Exploration."
6:30 Demo
7:00 Meeting begins
Program: Joanna Dermenjian will speak on the topic of "Canadian Red Cross Quilts of WWII"
6:30 Demo
7:00 Meeting begins
Program: Jen Houlden will speak on the topic of "Creating Contrast in Your Quilts"
6:40 Demo
7:00 Meeting begins
Program: Arlene Duckert, Trunk Show
6:40 Demo
7:00 Meeting begins
Program: Christina Cameli, "How Should I Quilt It?"
6:40 Demo
7:00 Meeting begins
Program: Brandy Maslowski, the "Quilter on Fire", "Studio Magnificent" - tips to make your sewing place a creative sanctuary